Following projects showcases my skills and experience through real-world examples of my work. Each project is briefly described with links to code repositories and live demos in it.
Notium is a cloud app for creating and storing notes, also using the built-in AI assistant
Jenda is a cloud-based program for efficient collaborative and individual project management
Xpiler is a code editor for your ideas and tasks with built-in AI
Eccomerce for selling electric scooters Kugoo-Russia
Fluxo is a multifunctional online state order management service
Boardify - virtual whiteboard for collaborative solutions
Web service with AI, that helps automate key stages of recruitment processing
AgileFusion: developing an ideal agile system for mirea
Service that includes the use of AI for college students onboarding
My prettier config - mnenie/prettier for (.js, .ts, .vue, .jsx, .tsx)
Pinia snippets for Visual Studio Code
Vortex Ui - ui kit for Vue 3 + Tailwind
Automatic task allocation service for visiting sovkombank employees
The Teachers Portal is a multi-page website written in the Vue framework for finding tutors and students
This section is dedicated to my contributions to the community Vue.js and its ecosystem. Everything you can see has been officially released or in dev mode. It is used by many people all over the world!
This section is about my talks in conferences as a speaker.